• Parachute Beta is live!

    I’ve FINALLY been able to sit down and complete dropbox (now PARACHUTE) code to a level I’m willing to release on a private beta basis. If all goes well, I’ll a release a public beta within a week. Sign Up Here. Parachute? Am I jumping? What am I dropping? Links, sounds delicious doesn’t it? And…

  • Pandora and The Music Genome Project

    Pandora.com is amazing. If you’ve never checked out it i suggest visiting immediately. Pandora is a streaming music site similar to Yahoo! Music, Last.fm and the like. It a services that creates a customized playlist for you based on your musical tastes, with one twist, it actually works really well! The difference is in the…

  • The Alphabet According to Google

    I accidentally typed ‘s’ in my firefox location bar and found myself at mcdonalds.com, thanks to the built in google search redirect. This promoted me to see what the reset of alphabet looks like according to google. Some of these make more sense than others. a Apple.comb B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human…

  • Grey Thursday??

    Guess I missed the boat by a couple of days, flying too high in the blogosphere or something. In response to Grey Tuesday, I’m posting Danger Mouse’s American Edit. It’ll be up until a) my bandwidth exceeds 1GB/day, b) I get a C&D; from EMI, c) the server craps out. I don’t really expect any…

  • Huh

    [20:00] ohryan ca: bye[20:00] ShoppingBuddy: Thanks for stopping by. Have I helped you with your holiday shopping? [20:00] ohryan ca: no[20:00] ShoppingBuddy: OK. Sorry I’ve not been helpful. Would you like to see some gift ideas from Gap? [20:00] ohryan ca: no[20:00] ShoppingBuddy: OK. Well have a happy holiday in any case. [20:00] ohryan ca:…