Category: Tips & How To’s

  • My WordCamp US Focus Mode

    My WordCamp US Focus Mode

    iOS Focus Modes are a game-changer! A couple of years ago I wrote a post about how I used them to totally change my relationship to my phone. This summer, I’ve taken things up a notch—tweaking my Travel Focus and even creating a Québec Focus for our recent family trip. If you’re curious about the…

  • Running a Mastodon server

    I ran a mastodon server over at for about two months. I took it down last over this past weekend. When the mastodon exodus started to bubble up I thought I’d jump in feet first and find out what it takes to run a server. Overall, it was just about as easy as I…

  • iOS Focus Modes Changed My Life

    Well, almost. They certainly changed my relationship with my devices. What’s a focus mode? You might have noticed that “focus” button in iOS your phone’s Control Center and never known what it does. Or maybe you have noticed “driving focus” when you connect to your car’s bluetooth. Focus Modes one of many great iOS feature…

  • How To: Work From Home, Be Productive and Stay Sane

    How To: Work From Home, Be Productive and Stay Sane

    I just spent a few minutes looking through my draft posts for inspiration to restart blogging. I came across the oldest draft in my queue, dated November 11, 2009. The post read as follows: I’ve worked from home for 6 of the past 8 years in a variety of workspaces. Initially I worked in my…

  • How to: Set Up A Personal VPN

    How to: Set Up A Personal VPN

    Skill Level, Novice: To set this up you’ll want to be mildly comfortable with the command-line. But you won’t necessarily need know (or care) about the technologies involved. Way back in 2010, firesheep scared my pants off. I was traveling for work when it dropped and I became acutely aware of just how vulnerable my…