Culture Tips & How To's

US Customs and Border Patrol and SEO

I was going to post the text of some email feedback I sent to the USA CBP last night regarding my recent border crossing experience. I stopped when I was reminded that the CBP will Google you if you are ever detained and such a post may be used against me.

For one, they do have internet at CBP offices. So if you’re flagged, and you have to go for secondary interviewing, realize that you may be Googled. And as such, blog posts talking about said code camp or eating a Chipotle Burrito may appear as well (“So how was the burrito?” was a question I was asked).

Done With US Travel for Awhile – Boarderfail, April 22, 2009

This got me thinking.
Would it be possible to design an SEO campaign surrounding your online presences in such a way that Customs agents would be most likely to find posts about how much of a nice and honest guy you are?

Tips & How To's

How To: Add Multiple Borders With CSS2

Found this on Nettuts+:

Tips & How To's

How To: Convert an MP3 to an Audiobook in iTunes

Ever wonder how to stop an audio book mp3 from showing up in iTunes randomization?

It’s easy.

  1. Right-click the mp3 (select a group of mp3s first if you prefer)
  2. Click “Get Info” from the context menu
  3. Click the “options” tab
  4. Change the media type to “Audiobook”

Changing this setting will cause the mp3s to appear in the “Books” library, instead of “Music.”

Found this gem buried in a convoluted set of instructions posted in App Slappy’s show notes.


If you’re keen on making making chapters, follow the instructions in the original source.

Tips & How To's

How To: Watch Hulu In Canada (Maybe?)

New method is 100% functional.

I’ve been seeing some reports that the method I posted for watching Comedy Central (The Daily Show, Colbert Nation, South Park Studios) from Canada is now also working for Hulu!!

I was not able to confirm this in my testing. I was only able to play one short clip of a show I’d never heard of; but, I did notice that the first level ip-wall no longer shows up, I was able to browse the entire site, launch the video player and watch full pre-roll commercials before the stream stopped playing.

To save you some clicking, here’s a re-post of the work-around:

For Canadian viewers, if you are using firefox, install the following addon:

1) In Firefox, Go to tools->modify headers
2) From the drop down box on the left select add
3) Then enter: “X-Forwarded-For” in the first input box without the quotation marks
4) Enter: “” in the second input box without the quotation marks
5) Leave the last input box empty, and save the filter, and enable it

6) Click the ‘Configuration’ tab on the right then proceed to check the ‘always on’ button.

Close the Modify Headers box and it should work.

Leave a comment, let me know if this works for you.

Culture Tips & How To's

Quit Facebook Day

Today is Quit Facebook Day. While I agree with the privacy concerns to some degree and it seems like Mark Zuckerberg might not be a trustworthy person; unfortunately, I don’t feel like there is a good alternative to Facebook, for that reason I think it would be difficult for me to live online without Facebook.

I wanted to deactivate my account for the day in solidarity. When I attempted to do so, I was presented with this error.

ZUCKED! Note that the error does not tell me which application I need to delete or re-assign, it could be multiple applications for all I know. After deleting the 1 offending application, I was still unable to deactivate the account. So much for that.

Quit Facebook Day Links: