Embedded Tweets Not Ready for Prime-Time
in WebsitesTwitter just launched a little tool designed to make it easier to embed tweets into your website. Currently blogs tend to paste in tweets whenever a twitter source requires reference, as Twitter explain in their blog post “…a pasted-in image of a tweet is a bit of a hack. We have a simple alternative to […] Continue Reading
Winnipeg’s Mayoral Candidate “Judy” Needs A Web Presence
in WinnipegJudy Wasylycia-Leis, Winnipeg’s only official mayoral candidate announced her candidacy 1/2 an hour ago. At the time of writing, neither her official website or facebook fan page have been updated. Fail. Continue Reading
Winnipeg’s Golden Era
in WinnipegThis post is somewhat outside of the scope of the types of things I normally blog about here, we’ll see if I continue this sort of thing. I came across a great series of photographs from The Winnipeg Transit archives via the Winnipeg blog Rise and Sprawl. Here are some of my favorite photos from what […] Continue Reading
How To Detect Mobile Visitors Using .htaccess Rewrite Rules, Simplified
Since my original posts on mobile redirection in .htaccess files I’ve gotten some comments and emails asking for step-by-step guidance on exactly how to “install” these rules. I hope this post will answer some of those questions. Before you continue reading, if you have php installed on your server, you may want to consider Andy Moore’s php […] Continue Reading
Sorry Google
in GoogleThe other day I was doing some surfing as googlebot (using firefox’s user agent switcher plugin) to try to debug some weirdly cloaked spammy search results I was seeing. I had accidentally done 3 searches as googlebot when I was redirected to sorry.google.com with this error screen: Odd. Continue Reading