Canadian Tech Roundup 14: The one where we talk about iPad2
iPad 2 is out! RIM may have missed window of opportunity Facebook Quietly Launches ‘Deal’ in Canada Facebook Photo Seizure A tonne of new content on Netflix Tony Clement defends his criticism of the CRTC UBB decision Courts back TV broadcasters Digital Transition is August 31, 2011! iTunes Link RSS [podcast]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/480185/podcasts/CTREP14.mp3[/podcast] Continue Reading
3 things I learned in the Twin Cities
This weekend we made a road trip down to the Twin Cities in Minnesota. While this was probably my 12th (or 20th?) trip down to Minneapolis, I observed a few random things I had not noticed on previous trips. Winnipeg does an excellent job of snow clearing! Almost all of surface roads we came across […] Continue Reading
Canadian Tech Roundup 13: Thanks for the love iTunes
[podcast]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/480185/podcasts/CTR13.mp3[/podcast] YouTube says it’s in talks to stream NHL, NBA games, NHL says it isn’t Why die-hard sports fans are pulling the plug on cable Netflix’s Submission to CRTC UBB hearing Maclean’s recites Rogers speaking points as an editoriial Government plays down scope of cyber attack Wind Mobile appeals court ruling iTunes Link RSS Continue Reading
Canadian Tech Roundup – Episode 12
[podcast]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/480185/podcasts/CTREP12.mp3[/podcast] Shownotes in the morning. Continue Reading
UBB Hoopla
This just in, the government plans to overturn the CRTC’s UBB ruling!!!!11!! This is great news! But the fight is not over. Lost in all the reddit posts and media buzz is the fact that there is currently nothing stopping any ISP from charging their retail customers bandwidth overages. The fight is not over, but hopefully the […] Continue Reading