Shaw’s Movie Club
First rule of movie club… backpedal. Earlier today the mainstream media jumped on Shaw’s new Netflix competitor “Movie Club“, a service that would allow you to stream movies without running up your bandwidth meter. I wrote a blogpost that echoed what quickly became the resounding verdict of the internet, Movie Club was anti-net neutrality and therefore, […] Continue Reading
Shame on Shaw
The new service, dubbed Movie Club, will cost $12 per month and will allow Shaw customers to watch movies and television shows on their TV and their computers over an Internet connection. However, Shaw said that movies streamed using its own service will not count against a subscriber’s monthly Internet data caps, unlike movies streamed […] Continue Reading
How To: Tumblr Style Google+ Redirect
Tumblr just added a feature to redirect http://yourdomain.com/+ to your google plus account. Neat idea. You can do it yourself in .htaccess. Just add: Redirect 301 /+ {insert your profile url here} Check it: ohryan.ca/+ Thanks to Isaac Lewis Continue Reading
The Little Things: Techcrunch Header Transition
in WebsitesThe header transition on the new Techrunch redesign is pretty brilliant. Another great site by Code & Theory. Start, Middle, End. Continue Reading
The thing about QR codes…
in RandomQR codes have been making a bit of noise in the local web/social media/design nerd for the past few months. Thanks in large part to Winnipeg’s sociallyist blogger Erica Glasier. For months now, my geek sensibilities have been nagging me about these futuristic looking pixel blocks. I’ve had some trouble narrowing down exactly what it is. It’s […] Continue Reading