Hyper-local Weather Forecasts
The future is here. Today the Weather Network rolled out “PointCast” a service developed in house (over the past 15 years!) that provides 1-km forecast and weather data. That’s a screenshot of my weather at home vs the “Winnipeg” weather station (likely) 10km away at The Forks. As you can see, it’s quite different. From […] Continue Reading
My Overly Simplified Take on Responsive Design
31% of American adults who have cell phones use their phones for the majority of their Internet access. ~ via LukeW The case for responsive web design is a no-brainer! Only a few years ago stake-holders would absolutely insist on IE6 compatibility with much much smaller user-base. 2.5% or higher was the threshold I’d commonly […] Continue Reading
Twitter Conversation Observation
I started listening to podcasts right around the same time twitter was starting to gain a following among über -nerds. I can’t remember which came first. Doesn’t matter. At the time, it was not uncommon for an every nerd podcast to be dominated by twitter talk, for weeks on end. With twitter’s recent “new guideline” […] Continue Reading
SEO is Dead.
in GoogleWhen Forbes writes an article proclaiming the death of SEO, there is a good chance that SEO might already be long gone. I’ve always viewed SEO with some skepticism. When I started messing around with HTML the tone of the “SEO” conversation was entirely “black hat.” If you knew where to look, you could find an […] Continue Reading
Friday App Trio – Lunch Hour Link Log: #7
in LinksHere’s a trio of apps you might like: Checkmark. Scratch. Sun. I’m not even going to describe them. You’re too busy eating lunch to bother with my descriptions. Continue Reading