Category: Winnipeg
Running a Mastodon server
I ran a mastodon server over at for about two months. I took it down last over this past weekend. When the mastodon exodus started to bubble up I thought I’d jump in feet first and find out what it takes to run a server. Overall, it was just about as easy as I…
Grant Forzley (Artistic Impressions Photography), Winnipeg Photographer
Grant Forzley (of Artistic Impressions Photography) sold me a broken vintage camera, ruining my Christmas present for my wife and is refusing to allow me to return it for a refund. When I picked up the camera from Grant Forzley on November 25th at his studio we had a great conversation! He walked me through…
The False Dichotomy of Bikes v. Cars
I’ve been engaging with a lot of anti-bike folks on twitter over the past few months. Observations and Thoughts. [Note: these people are sometimes pejoratively called “carbrains” but that’s unfair, I think at lot of people share these views, even if they are not against bikes] 1. The built environment is immutable. When someone says…
My Top 3 Winnipeg Mayoral Election Issues
I spent more of my long weekend than intended summarizing Winnipeg’s Mayoral candidates’ platforms for an epic tweet thread. This got me thinking about what the most important issues to me personally. Fund Winter This city is very bad at winter! Last year especially was an epic disaster of unplowed sidewalks and streets. Forget winter…
On Winnipeg Urban Planning
Late last week I wrote the following tweet that generated quite a bit of conversation: Unfortunately, the original intent of my tweet was partially lost in the conversation. So I thought I’d clarify here on my blog. The two main knee-jerk reactions that I had upon visiting Sage Creek were essentially: 1. It is (a)…