Category: Web Development

  • Carousels Are Useless

    Carousels are a lazy and ineffective way to surface content on the web. Stop using them. — End of Post — Earlier this year, Erik Runyon the director of web stuff at the prestigious University of Notre Dame, took a close look at how their users were interacting with carousel content. He found that of the 1% of…

  • Clever Job Posting In Flickr Source

    I’ve seen sites do this from time to time, but I especially like the ASCII art here.

  • Dot-Com Era Browser Tech

    Dot-Com Era Browser Tech

    Thanks to my RetroPosts plugin, this weekend I was reminded of a blog post I wrote in 2008 – Web Dev Challenge: 1996 Compatibility. In the post I outlined rules for developing for browsers from 1996: CSS1, Javascript 1, 640×480 screen resolution, etc. I think I assumed this would be a relatively simple challenge, but…

  • On Scaling WordPress

    In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that to scale WordPress you “just cache it.” That’s a pretty big claim to make without any sort of references. Here’s Peter Chester of Modern Tribe’s talk on the subject from WordCamp LA 2011.

  • Please don’t customize social media icons

    Please don’t customize social media icons

    When I put on my front-end developer hat, I’m often the last line of defence between the client and an unfortunate typo, bad idea or missed opportunity. I’m the last pair of eyes to examine a design before it hits the development environment. Designers probably hate me for it, but if I see a design…