Category: Web Development
TeeVee for WP: building Apple TV apps with WordPress Plugins
Imagine you create tonnes of great video content every day and publish it all through WordPress. Your viewer can watch your amazing shows everywhere…on iPhones, iPads, iMacs, but not their TVs. Wouldn’t it be great to have a branded Apple TV app so that all your viewers could watch your content in full screen glory? Well…
How To: Tweak Disqus CSS for Twenty Fifteen Theme
After installing the twenty fifteen theme I found that disqus’ comments were butting up against the edges of the layout. You can fix this by adding the following Custom CSS @media screen and (min-width: 59.6875em) { #disqus_thread { margin-top: 8.333%; margin-left: 8.333%; margin-right: 8.333%; } } @media screen and (min-width: 38.75em) { #disqus_thread {…
How to Set Responsive Text Alignment in Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap is great, almost perfect. One thing it’s missing is responsive text-align. So I created a simple .less file that uses Bootstraps breakpoints and class naming format. It allows you use set specific text-align for specific breakpoints. View the code on Gist.
Carousels Are Useless
Carousels are a lazy and ineffective way to surface content on the web. Stop using them. — End of Post — Earlier this year, Erik Runyon the director of web stuff at the prestigious University of Notre Dame, took a close look at how their users were interacting with carousel content. He found that of the 1% of…
Clever Job Posting In Flickr Source
I’ve seen sites do this from time to time, but I especially like the ASCII art here.