Category: Review
Boingo: The Best $10 I’ve Ever Spent
Last week I was stuck at O’hare overnight. I noticed a bunch of large signs proclaiming “free wi-fi terminal wide.” Upon trying to connect to the internet, I discovered that these hotspots were run by boingo and only “free” for customers of certain telcos. While I feel that wifi is an amenity that should always…
Hak5, what happened?
Hak5 is an internet TV show about “everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene.” In some ways it’s the spiritual successor to The Broken. I was a big fan of thes how when they first started releasing episodes 4 3 years ago. But for one reason or another, I stopped following the show…
Canadian Policty Party Websites Report Card
With the looming Canadian federal election, I thought I’d take a look at the federal party websites. I’ll be rating them on 5 characteristics, on a 5 point scale: Design: How much I like the look and feel. User Interface: How well does the site layout work Candidate Info: How good is the info on the candidate…
Low-Tech Todo List
I’ve been trying to find a good todo list keeping method for years. I’ve tried online services like tadalist, i’ve tried using a moleskine. Nothing seems to work for me. Internet Super Mom bought me this combination mouse-pad, todo list about a week ago. So far it seems to have solved my todo list woes.
Google Chrome: I’m In L-O-V-E
I’m sure these sentiments will be echoed around the around the blogosphere (including 4 posts on GigaOm…seriously) over the next couple of days, but I just can’t contain myself. I think I now know what it feels like to be an Apple fanboy when Steve Jobs announces one more thing. I haven’t been this excited…