Category: Internet Culture
Hei Opera!
Opera was the first web browser I truly loved. In the early days of the modern web, when we had 4 or 5 real legit competitors in the browser space, Opera was truly innovative. In the year 2000 it was the first browser to support tabbed browsing (2 years before Mozilla, 3 years before Safari…
I haven’t tweeted in a week
July 11, 2013 is the day I realized Twitter was turning me into a bad internet person. I watched my Twitter stream flow by all day that day and I couldn’t think of a nice, polite, constructive response to any single one of the tweets flowing by. It’s not that the people I follow are…
Blog First, Tweet Later
WordCamp Winnipeg was absolutely amazing! I’ve literally been waiting my career to see this calibre of event in Winnipeg. David Pensato gave a really great talk about the future of social blogging. He made the keen observation that, with Facebook, Twitter and the like we are all blogging all the time. As an experiment, I…
Twitter Conversation Observation
I started listening to podcasts right around the same time twitter was starting to gain a following among über -nerds. I can’t remember which came first. Doesn’t matter. At the time, it was not uncommon for an every nerd podcast to be dominated by twitter talk, for weeks on end. With twitter’s recent “new guideline”…
Thought of the Day: Newspapers Websites
I’ve posted about newspapers before, the industry’s seemingly imminent collapse and lack of success online are interesting problems to me. As far as I’m concerned, newspapers (and “old media” in general) are still a relevant source of information and there’s really no reason they should be dying. As Erica Glasier put it on her blog the…