Tag: apache

  • How To: Tumblr Style Google+ Redirect

    Tumblr just added a feature to redirect http://yourdomain.com/+ to your google plus account. Neat idea. You can do it yourself in .htaccess. Just add: Redirect 301 /+ {insert your profile url here} Check it: ohryan.ca/+ Thanks to Isaac Lewis

  • Modern Mobile Redirect Using .htaccess

    The following set of rewrite rules will redirect all Android, Blackberry, iOS, Windows and WebOS devices to a specific mobile directory on your website. Additionally, it will redirect Google’s mobile crawler – according to Google search spam czar Matt Cutts this is perfectly acceptable and even somewhat encourage. Code snippet – Simple .htaccess Mobile Redirect…

  • How To Detect Mobile Visitors Using .htaccess Rewrite Rules, Simplified

    Since my original posts on mobile redirection in .htaccess files I’ve gotten some comments and emails asking for step-by-step guidance on exactly how to “install” these rules. I hope this post will answer some of those questions. Before you continue reading, if you have php installed on your server, you may want to consider Andy Moore’s php…

  • Revisiting Mobile Redirection Using .htaccess ReWrite Rules

    This article is out of date, check my latest code snippet here. Back in 2007 I wrote a post detailing a method for detecting and redirecting mobile browsers using .htaccess. Since then the mobile landscape has changed quite a bit: iPhone and Android have been released, the PDA market is all but dead and phones…