Winnipeg Web Firms
Earlier this week I sent my resume to a bunch of Web Design, etc based in Winnipeg, in hopes they would be looking for an awesome hip web developer to give a bunch of money to. Unfortunately, none of them were. I consider myself quite good at googling, but I had quite a hard time…
better bandwidth protection: revisited
I meant to post this a couple of days after my initial bandwidth protection post, but alas, updating this site is usually the last thing on my mind. Firstly, I glazed over something I probably should have explained in more detail. That is, the php file masquerades as the media file. The media files should…
inDiggnation 1.0
The first ever response cast, Indiggnation! The first installment documents issues with digg.com and foreseen problems with the OpenID protocol. Ian can be found at www.notian.netRyan can be found at ohryan.ca Intro music is Melt-Banana – Showroom Dummies Phrase BlogCast Here is the story I mentioned a digg that links to Engadget, which links to…
Better Bandwidth Theft Protection
Bandwidth theft (sometimes referred to as hotlinking) is the bane of the internet, in some people’s opinions. Bandwidth theft is the practice of linking or embedding someone else’s content within your own page, without the owner’s permission. Posting l0lzzz ROFTLMAO images on forum message boards is probably the most common form of bandwidth theft, often…