5 Tips for Playing Board Games With Younger Kids
I have two kids, boys, currently aged 5 and 7. We’ve been playing board games as a family almost from birth. Over the years, I’ve been constantly impressed by their ability to pick up and enjoy some of the most complex and involved modern board games. The 21st century board game explosion has spawned hundreds of great games geared […] Continue Reading
48 hours with Apple Music
I’ve been a subscriber to rdio for a couple of years, streaming music isn’t anything new to me. So I was very interested to check out Apple’s implementation. Here’s my take after using it for the last couple of days. The Good Playlists: The curated playlists are feature I didn’t expect to use much, but I’ve spent […] Continue Reading
How To: Tweak Disqus CSS for Twenty Fifteen Theme
After installing the twenty fifteen theme I found that disqus’ comments were butting up against the edges of the layout. You can fix this by adding the following Custom CSS @media screen and (min-width: 59.6875em) { #disqus_thread { margin-top: 8.333%; margin-left: 8.333%; margin-right: 8.333%; } } @media screen and (min-width: 38.75em) { #disqus_thread { […] Continue Reading
Is Wil Wheaton’s Table Top just a reality show for board game geeks?
in CultureYesterday Wil Wheaton wrote a blog post (and corresponding reddit post) in which he apologized for “completely screwing up the rules” in at least half (10 out of 21) of the episode of Table Top Season 3. IMHO his apology is a text book example of how not to apologize. He spends the majority of the post singling out […] Continue Reading
On Winnipeg Free Press’ Pay-Per-Article Paywall
Last week, the editor of the Winnipeg Free Press wrote an article making a (rather poor) case for their upcoming “innovative” paywall experience. Harvard’s Neiman Journalism Labs even picked it up and wrote a great article breaking down the nitty gritty. Simply put the Winnipeg Free Press plans to charge every single reader $0.27/article (billed monthly). Nobody in North […] Continue Reading