• Thoughts & Prayers

    Another tragedy…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ODeKJdhff0 For good measure… Almost forgot, the game…   Continue Reading

  • What’s up with Face ID timeouts?

    The Loop posted a great summary of Apple’s Face ID security whitepaper. Two points about how the timeout works really baffled me. Face ID is disabled when: The device hasn’t been unlocked for more than 48 hours. The passcode hasn’t been used to unlock the device in the last 156 hours (six and a half […] Continue Reading

  • Google Wave, The Quirky Future of Email

    Google Wave, The Quirky Future of Email

    With the constant forward motion of tech, little time is spent on the past. A brief few years in the mid-00s – after the dot-com bubble and before the big winners of social were sorted out – spawned tonnes of interesting products and services, aka “web 2.0.” Google Wave is one of those products that […] Continue Reading

  • Moderate success

    Why aren’t there any blog posts about people who run a moderately successful side business? They’re never mega-successful, just pad bank accounts, help pay off debts, save for the future, take their families on vacations, whatever? It seems a lot more attainable than the seemingly random stories of “The man who built a $1 billion […] Continue Reading

  • On internet success

    What is it about the nature of The Internet that makes internet success seem so attainable? Is it the open/egalitarian nature of the internet? Literally anyone can start an open source project, youtube channel, blog, store, whatever. Is it the fact that, as developers, we know the inner workings of the tech behind the latest […] Continue Reading