Category: WordPress

  • Twenty-Thirteen

    Twenty-Thirteen so good, I decided to switch to it for a while.

  • On Scaling WordPress

    In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that to scale WordPress you “just cache it.” That’s a pretty big claim to make without any sort of references. Here’s Peter Chester of Modern Tribe’s talk on the subject from WordCamp LA 2011.

  • Why I Rejected WordPress (in 2007)

    Yesterday Matt Mullenweg – co-founder of WordPress – did an IAMA on Reddit. You should read through the whole thing, he took the time to answer almost everybody’s questions. One of his answers really stood out to me, but before I get to that, some context. Back in 2007, I was working on the two-man…

  • WordPress Development, Cons & Pros

    About a month and a half ago The Big Webshow featured WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg, listening to the interview it became really clear that WP is trying to position itself as a website “operating system.” While there are probably other platforms much more capable of the task, WordPress’ ubiquity is sort of pushing it in that direction…