Category: WordPress

  • How To: Tweak Disqus CSS for Twenty Fifteen Theme

    After installing the twenty fifteen theme I found that disqus’ comments were butting up against the edges of the layout. You can fix this by adding the following Custom CSS   @media screen and (min-width: 59.6875em) { #disqus_thread { margin-top: 8.333%; margin-left: 8.333%; margin-right: 8.333%; } } @media screen and (min-width: 38.75em) { #disqus_thread {…

  • Stop Abusing WordPress Shortcodes Above is an eight and a half minute video from the developer of the Avada WordPress theme. The video demonstrates how to configure pages within the theme using shortcodes. Jump around the video a bit to get feel for the “workflow.” WordPress’ shortcode API is designed to be simple and power. It allows WordPress…

  • The Best Way to Synchronize WordPress Uploads

    One of the most annoying things about setting up a dev environment for an existing WordPress site is syncing the content. Pulling down the database is trivial, even a large site will have a relatively small database dump. I often use the WordPress Duplicator plugin. But a site with years of photos and other uploads…

  • RetroPosts is in the plugin directory!

    My new plugin RetroPosts made it into the WordPress plugin directory last night! Check it out.

  • RetroPosts: A Glimpse Into The Past

    RetroPosts: A Glimpse Into The Past

    I’ve been using Timehop for a few weeks now, in short, the app gives you a glimpse into your online past by presenting you a feed of tweets, status updates, photos, etc from your past. RetroPosts is a plugin I designed to help you surface some of that old content. In it’s current state, it adds…