Category: Site News
Mailing List – Issue 1: Back to the Future II
First issue of the newsletter went out yesterday. If you missed it, you can read it here. Want more? ☞ Subscribe! ☜
Canadian Tech Roundup Moving
Canadian Tech Roundup posts are moving to their own blog, will no longer be posted here. Episode 19
Top 10 Posts of 2010
Well hello 2011! Had the itch to write a blog post tonight and realized I hadn’t come up with any top 10 lists yet this year! So here’s a no brainer, top 10 blog posts that generated traffic for me this year. How To: Watch Hulu in Canada. The Definitive Guide. In July I came…
Lifehacker Hulu Hack Coverage
Lifehacker reposted my Hulu Hack a few days ago. Over 130,000 views to date! The instructions are a little more straight-forward if you’re on a Mac.
Every Websites I’ve Worked on
Out of curiosity I compiled a list of all website’s I’ve ever touched in any sort of “developer” capacity – not including personal projects. Here they are in alphabetical order. I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting a good 6-12 from the early years of my career. Advance Electronics Aikins LLP B&D Auto Recycling Compusense Software Folkway…