Category: Tips & How To’s
People Suck At Email, Part IV: Threads
If the email thread is already 29 messages long, do not reply-all with “Thanks.”
People Suck At Email, Part III: CC vs BCC
It’s 2009, I can’t believe I just had to send this email. When you add recipients to the “CC” list you expose all recipients email addresses to everyone else on the list. By doing this you have inadvertently sent your entire client list to all of your clients. In the future please use BCC. For…
How To: Watch Comedy Central Videos From Canada
UPDATE 05/2012: If this isn’t working for you anymore, you might want to try this new method. UPDATE: Some visitors are reporting that this works for Hulu as well. The relationship between Comedy Central and Canada’s Comedy Network is the worst example of what can happen when rights owners assert copyright on the internet, based…
How To: Exclude Words Like “An, A, The” From Alphabetized MySQL ORDER
When ordering lists of names or titles it’s sometimes desirable to exclude articles or other words from the order clause (eg. you want “The Burning Hell” to show up before “Great Lake Swimmers” in a list ordered by name). Early on in my career I must have assumed it was not possible and never bothered…
How To: Cold Brew Coffee
Now that summer has finally reached The True North (strong and free), I decided to finally attempt cold brewing some iced coffee. Turns out it’s one of the easiest operations I’ve ever attempted in the kitchen. Basic recipies is as follow: – 1cup coarse ground coffee – 4.5cups water – combine, leave in fridge for…