Category: Tips & How To’s

  • How To: Find Out The Price of Bitcoin

    What is the quickest way to find out what price bitcoin is at, you ask? Simple. Update.  I added a bunch of currencies and made tinyurls for them. USD – CAD – EUR – CNY –

  • Bitcoins: How The Hell Do You Buy Them?

    Bitcoins: How The Hell Do You Buy Them?

    This week I bought bitcoin and it was a lot harder than I would have ever thought. With bitcoin being the most popular and valuable fully virtual currency of all time, I expected the process of buying bitcoins to be straightforward. “After all, I can purchase anything from deodorant to diamonds on Amazon at the…

  • Carousels Are Useless

    Carousels are a lazy and ineffective way to surface content on the web. Stop using them. — End of Post — Earlier this year, Erik Runyon the director of web stuff at the prestigious University of Notre Dame, took a close look at how their users were interacting with carousel content. He found that of the 1% of…

  • On Scaling WordPress

    In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that to scale WordPress you “just cache it.” That’s a pretty big claim to make without any sort of references. Here’s Peter Chester of Modern Tribe’s talk on the subject from WordCamp LA 2011.

  • My New RSS Diet: No News

    Until last week, I had not touched an RSS reader. My Google Reader list had become completely unsustainable, I always seemed to have hundreds of unread items. I’ve come to the realized that RSS is a crappy way to read news. I want my RSS reader to be a personalized daily magazine. Something I can…