Category: Tips & How To’s

  • Yahoo Pipes Is Useful

    I actually found a use for yahoo pipes! Problem: I import my blog posts to facebook as Notes via their import settings. I find that a lot of friends and family comment on those posts, these people don’t typically follow me anywhere else and – I can admit it – I’m a comment whore. I apprieciate…

  • Google Chrome Bypasses OpenDNS (and How To Fix It)

    I started using OpenDNS again for the first time since Google released Chrome. When I ran Chrome, I noticed a curious little quirk, Chrome was ignoring OpenDNS’ shortcuts and auto typo correction. I whipped out wireshark and took at what was going on. By default, every time you enter a character into Chrome’s toolbar it fetches…

  • Boingo: The Best $10 I’ve Ever Spent

    Last week I was stuck at O’hare overnight. I noticed a bunch of large signs proclaiming “free wi-fi terminal wide.” Upon trying to connect to the internet, I discovered that these hotspots were run by boingo and only “free” for customers of certain telcos. While I feel that wifi is an amenity that should always…

  • iPhone Tethering, Not As Hard As It Looks

    In a flip-flop move reminisant of John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign, Rogers Wireless has reversed it’s policy regarding smart phone tethering. I’m not even going to try to speculate what’s going on internally with this company. Buried in this CBC article about Rogers’ (baffling) new data plans is this nugget: Unlike other cellphone carriers, Rogers…

  • Security? Why Bother

    I’ve been working on an internal information delivery system for an unnamed multi-national. I just logged in to their production database to set up some new features. One of which involved updating their user database. While poking around, I noticed that all but 62 of their roughly 400 users had the same password hash (meaning…