Category: Google
The Little Things: New Google Docs
The new Google Docs design features custom square (rectangular) OS X Lion style scrollbars.
How To: Tumblr Style Google+ Redirect
Tumblr just added a feature to redirect to your google plus account. Neat idea. You can do it yourself in .htaccess. Just add: Redirect 301 /+ {insert your profile url here} Check it: Thanks to Isaac Lewis
The Little Things: Google+ Notifications
Google+ lets you respond to notifications right inside the notification dropdown menu. The notification bar is present at the top of all Google pages…pure genius!
Canadian Tech Roundup – Episode 6 – Shaw, CES, Do Not Call List
[podcast][/podcast] Shaw introduces bandwidth overages and 25% reduction in bandwidth caps CES and Canada CRTC Fines Xentel and Bell for calling number on Do Not Call List City of Vancouver Calls out CRTC on behalf of residents New wireless startups capturing 1/3rd of new customers Top 10 Facebook trends in Canada 2010 Google Zietgiest Canada…
Google Earth features 3D Winnipeg buildings
Yesterday I noticed that now features a built in Google Earth plugin, was pleasantly surprised to see a few Winnipeg buildings presented as 3D models.