Category: Design
Confirmed: TrueType Font Support on Mobile Safari on iOS 4.2
Thanks to Matt Wiebe for mentioning the rumour that Mobile Safari on iOS 4.2 supports TrueType fonts and providing a handy link to test: A screenshot from my install of the iOS 4.2 GM seed on an iPhone 3G:
Google Chrome, Now More Piratey
Sometime in the past 24hrs my copy of Google Chrome updated to version 6. Along with a more native UI, it now sports a bold red skull and cross bones when you visit a site with an unverified SSL certificate. How awesome is that?!
- Novel Design
I stumbled across this morning via a post on freshome. Notcot describes itself as “…a place to collect and share fascinating images/links.” In theory it’s a digg for images, in practice most of the images are of unique product or website designs. The result is a site that’s much more interesting than what an…