Category: Culture

  • Twitter Circles as LJ Friends List

    Update April 10, 2023:I’ve been seeing some reports that Twitter’s “circles” feature leaking tweets outside of your defined circle. I haven’t seen any evidence of this happening on my account. Although, I do see the “circles” callout disappearing from my circled tweets (i.e. the appear to be public) after some time. However, these posts continue…

  • Car Co-op Experiment

    Well, not yet. Not literally. Winnipeg’s Peg-City Car Co-op has been on my mind recently for one reason or another. I’ve come to the conclusion that if they opened a station on my street I would probably immediately get rid of my car! When I say “my street” I literally mean my street. There are…

  • Running a Mastodon server

    I ran a mastodon server over at for about two months. I took it down last over this past weekend. When the mastodon exodus started to bubble up I thought I’d jump in feet first and find out what it takes to run a server. Overall, it was just about as easy as I…

  • On Social Networks and Twitter

    I have been extremely online since the late 1990s. I’ve been using The Internet socially since I was a teenager, so the concept of a “social network” has always seemed a little reductive to me. For me and my peers, a social network is maybe a more connected and organized internet experience. A simplification and…

  • The False Dichotomy of Bikes v. Cars

    I’ve been engaging with a lot of anti-bike folks on twitter over the past few months. Observations and Thoughts. [Note: these people are sometimes pejoratively called “carbrains” but that’s unfair, I think at lot of people share these views, even if they are not against bikes] 1. The built environment is immutable. When someone says…