Earlier this week I sent my resume to a bunch of Web Design, etc based in Winnipeg, in hopes they would be looking for an awesome hip web developer to give a bunch of money to. Unfortunately, none of them were. I consider myself quite good at googling, but I had quite a hard time finding Winnipeg firms the first time I looked. Such a hard time in fact, that I compiled a list and saved it to a txt file. So, in hope that this list gets picked up by google or something here it is, all Winnipeg Web Design firms I’m aware of:

Cocoon Branding Inc.
IdleWorks Inc.
Mars Hill Group
Meterx Systems
Okina Consulting
Planisphere Communications
Smokehouse A Design Company
spacecadet design
Transcension Media
ViewSource Media
Visual Lizards Inc.
Web Slingers Inc.
Web Wizards Inc.