Siri Can’t Map Canada

My desk neighbour showed up to work this morning with a brand new iPhone 4S. He let me play around with Siri a bit.

Looks like Siri is not fully functional in Canada.

Referencing location (eg. “Where am I?”) results in an error message stating that directions and maps are unavailable in Canada.

Update: Now with a screenshot.


4 responses to “Siri Can’t Map Canada”

  1. That sucks 🙁

    Lol at the image linked.

    1.  Avatar

      Hehe. I changed it to a video link, thought the image was too obscure.

  2. […] Yes, Yes it does. But it doesn’t seem to know how to map in Canada (at least not yet). apple Canada ios5 iphone 4s siri in […]

  3. Oh no!  Wait… I’ve got a Sensation, and Vlingo does map searches just fine.  

    Ok, Bowen bought a 4S this morning, and just from the little bit he’s played with it I’d say it’s possibly more powerful than Vlingo or Google Voice Commands, but I’m totally happy with my phone.

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