Review Websites

Cuil Sucks

Ok. Cool…er Cuil. You’re not going to be a legitimate search engine until you strip raw HTML from your search results.

2 replies on “Cuil Sucks”

After reading this I checked out Cuil and have to agree, it blows. First of all it only gives you something like eight results per page. It concentrates too much on images, and yes displays raw HTML instead of a proper description.
I don’t even know why anyone would waste their time trying to make a alternative search engine, there are enough of them in existence and Google is better than all of them.

After reading this I checked out Cuil and have to agree, it blows. First of all it only gives you something like eight results per page. It concentrates too much on images, and yes displays raw HTML instead of a proper description.
I don’t even know why anyone would waste their time trying to make a alternative search engine, there are enough of them in existence and Google is better than all of them.

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