Over the course of my career as an profession internet nerd, I’ve come up with a lot of great ideas. Usually they remain just that – crazy schemes concocted over drinks with a friend. Occasionally I pursue these ideas to the point of buying a domain name and laying down some PHP code. But for one reason or another I am never able to take these ideas very far. Then 6 months will pass and I’ll see a startup launch with an almost identical idea/business model. I never know exactly how to feel about this. On one hand, it leaves me the freedom to pursue other things. On the other hand, I want to launch a DDOS.
Two such ideas I’ve had in the past were:
1) Teamrockout (I probably should have held on to the domain) . I initially thought of this as a sort of livejournal for indie bands. A place they could set up a profile, upload tracks, pictures, tour dates, etc. The only reminants of this project is an old livejournal development blog. A few months after i abandoned the idea purevolume launched. Granted, their site is a lot more thorough than anything I was working on.
2) p(ara)chute, is essentially delicious, simplified, minus the tagging. I haven’t fully abandoned this project as of yet, but I might, after reading this techcrunch post.
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