Tag: twitter
Twitter Circles Security Incident
A couple of months ago I wrote a post promoting the use of Twitter’s Circles. It was one of my coping mechanisms for using current Twitter in its semi-broken state. Then people started reporting that their private circle posts had were appearing in public timelines. They were right. Twitter sent out an email last week…
New Content Incoming, Site Privacy Downgrade
A small programming note as they might say on TV or whatever. I’ve been doing a terrible job sticking to my New Years Resolution to write a blog post every week. Not the biggest deal, resolutions are aspirational. Anyways, I’ve come up with a new type of content I want to try writing in the…
Twitter Circles as LJ Friends List
Update April 10, 2023:I’ve been seeing some reports that Twitter’s “circles” feature leaking tweets outside of your defined circle. I haven’t seen any evidence of this happening on my account. Although, I do see the “circles” callout disappearing from my circled tweets (i.e. the appear to be public) after some time. However, these posts continue…
On Social Networks and Twitter
I have been extremely online since the late 1990s. I’ve been using The Internet socially since I was a teenager, so the concept of a “social network” has always seemed a little reductive to me. For me and my peers, a social network is maybe a more connected and organized internet experience. A simplification and…