People Suck At Email

People Suck At Email, Part II

When I send you an email in which I discuss a 3rd party (let’s call him Bob).
And, if I’ve also cc’d this email to a seperate 3rd party (Jim and Francis).
Do not forward the email to Bob. I have probably not included him for a specific reason. I’ve either discussed the subject of the email with him, or I feel that the email portrays him in a negative light, or something else.

Please assume that I construct every email with care.
That’s all.

My I direct your attention to Part I: Yes I Got Your Email!


Oh Rogers, So Coy

I wonder what your July 11th announcement could be. Dorks.



I assure you I really am human and this is not a splog.

If you had poked around the site a bit you probably could have figured that out, genius.

This is what happens when you run an unpatched copy of wordpress. It happens to the best of us.

Apps Google

Google’s Grand Central Offline

I don’t use the service – last I checked they did not have any Canadian area codes available. As techcrunch reports, google’s phone service has been down for the morning. It’s worth noting that this is the first time a major google service has gone down for any length of time.

I hope this does not represent a new trend for google. If you want to be a phone service you can’t go down, but more importantly to developers like me, if you want to be an app engine you certainly can’t go down.


Rogers Please Get A Clue, Seriously!


Above is a screenshot of Roger’s latest mobile internet plan for blackberries.

“1.5MB of data – enough for tons of picture uploads and profile updates”

Um Rogers, I hate to break it to you, but most of my pictures are over 2MB.

If you mouse-over the “legal” fine print it explains the data overages, “$10/MB for the first 5MB, $5/MB for the next 5MB, $1/MB for the next 10MB and $0.50/MB for remaining overages.” This means uploading 3x2MB pictures is going to cost me approximately $45. Really Rogers?! Really?
For comparison, transferring 3x2MB pictures through a service like amazon’s S3 would cost about $0.00035. There is no way in hell that Rogers is paying over 100,000x more than amazon to maintain their infrastructure!