Tag: bitcoin

  • How To: Find Out The Price of Bitcoin

    What is the quickest way to find out what price bitcoin is at, you ask? Simple. WhatIsBitcoinAt.com Update.  I added a bunch of currencies and made tinyurls for them. USD – http://tiny.cc/BTCUSD CAD – http://tiny.cc/BTCCAD EUR – http://tiny.cc/BTCEUR CNY – http://tiny.cc/BTCCNY

  • Bitcoins: How The Hell Do You Buy Them?

    Bitcoins: How The Hell Do You Buy Them?

    This week I bought bitcoin and it was a lot harder than I would have ever thought. With bitcoin being the most popular and valuable fully virtual currency of all time, I expected the process of buying bitcoins to be straightforward. “After all, I can purchase anything from deodorant to diamonds on Amazon at the…