• On Social Networks and Twitter

    I have been extremely online since the late 1990s. I’ve been using The Internet socially since I was a teenager, so the concept of a “social network” has always seemed a little reductive to me. For me and my peers, a social network is maybe a more connected and organized internet experience. A simplification and […] Continue Reading

  • The False Dichotomy of Bikes v. Cars

    I’ve been engaging with a lot of anti-bike folks on twitter over the past few months. Observations and Thoughts. [Note: these people are sometimes pejoratively called “carbrains” but that’s unfair, I think at lot of people share these views, even if they are not against bikes] 1. The built environment is immutable. When someone says […] Continue Reading

  • iOS Focus Modes Changed My Life

    Well, almost. They certainly changed my relationship with my devices. What’s a focus mode? You might have noticed that “focus” button in iOS your phone’s Control Center and never known what it does. Or maybe you have noticed “driving focus” when you connect to your car’s bluetooth. Focus Modes one of many great iOS feature […] Continue Reading

  • My Top 3 Winnipeg Mayoral Election Issues

    My Top 3 Winnipeg Mayoral Election Issues

    I spent more of my long weekend than intended summarizing Winnipeg’s Mayoral candidates’ platforms for an epic tweet thread. This got me thinking about what the most important issues to me personally. Fund Winter This city is very bad at winter! Last year especially was an epic disaster of unplowed sidewalks and streets. Forget winter […] Continue Reading

  • WordPress Websites Now Only $499

    Early this week Automattic launched “Built by WordPress.com Express,” an awkwardly named “webdesign” service. Here’s the sales video: The tagline “Real sites, built by real people.” is a good one. It acknowledges that most people who need a website are not web designers. It positions their service as an alternative the steep learning curve to […] Continue Reading