• Peach Came From a Can

    Peach Came From a Can

    Social app Peach hit the interwebs over the weekend, harder than a late 1990s grunge-esque anthem skipping on a discman playing through a cassette tape adapter. You could write off peach as another social networking app for tech groupies. But you’d be missing a very unique feature. Chatbots. (Sorta. They’re almost more like command-line keywords.) […] Continue Reading

  • TeeVee for WP: building Apple TV apps with WordPress Plugins

    TeeVee for WP: building Apple TV apps with WordPress Plugins

    Imagine you create tonnes of great video content every day and publish it all through WordPress. Your viewer can watch your amazing shows everywhere…on iPhones, iPads, iMacs, but not their TVs. Wouldn’t it be great to have a branded Apple TV app so that all your viewers could watch your content in full screen glory? Well […] Continue Reading

  • Facebook’s History of Spying

    Facebook’s History of Spying

    Reading Wikipedia this morning, I came across an interesting tidbit from the days when facebook was still thefacebook.com. As seen in The Social Network, after launching the site Mark Zuckerberg was under investigation for potentially stealing the idea from the Winklevoss brothers. Not covered in the movie though, while this investigation was going on Zuckerberg […] Continue Reading

  • Ads Don’t Work

    Ads Don’t Work

    There has been a lot of hubbub on the internets today about web ad/tracker/content blocking. It seems that 36hrs of full on iOS9 content blocking was enough to cause every single ad-supported publication to collectively loss their shit. Imagine how abysmal ad numbers must have been for Marco Arment to pull his highly successful iOS9 […] Continue Reading

  • astsu: why Mr Robot is the most tech-savvy show ever

    astsu: why Mr Robot is the most tech-savvy show ever

    I finally watched the pilot episode of Mr Robot and I was totally blown away by the way the handle the hacking aspects of the show. If you haven’t seen the show, the main character is a professional security engineer by day and a “cyber vigilante” at night. It’s great! Every aspect of the way Elliot […] Continue Reading