Category: Websites
Facebook Security Still Lacking
In October I blogged about a Firesheep, a Firefox plugin that highlights the inherent vulnerabilities in the way that Facebook and other websites handle sessions. TL;DR – Install the extension and with a click of a button you can capture un-encrypted Facebook sessions of any user using a WiFi network you’re connected to (read the full post…
Facebook Now More Secure
In a blog post today Facebook detailed some of their new security improvements: Starting today we’ll provide you with the ability to experience Facebook entirely over HTTPS. You should consider enabling this option if you frequently use Facebook from public Internet access points found at coffee shops, airports, libraries or schools. The option will exist…
Thought of the Day: Newspapers Websites
I’ve posted about newspapers before, the industry’s seemingly imminent collapse and lack of success online are interesting problems to me. As far as I’m concerned, newspapers (and “old media” in general) are still a relevant source of information and there’s really no reason they should be dying. As Erica Glasier put it on her blog the…
This Week I Learned
Turns out being a dad and employed full time leaves little room for things like long blog posts. I came across a number of particularly fascinating things this week in my travels on the information super highway. Monday: Protocol relative URLs Turns out, you can leave out the protocol (http, https, ftp, etc) when including…
Gawker Hacks [update: no Digsby]
If you missed it, Gawker Media’s username/password database was hacked and paswords decrypted! This is very very bad. Lifehacker, has a comprehensive post about the compromise. They only left out one little piece of info, your password may have been exposed even if you’ve never logged in to a Gawker site. Multi-IM client Digsby is…