Category: Websites

  • On Winnipeg Free Press’ Pay-Per-Article Paywall

    Last week, the editor of the Winnipeg Free Press wrote an article making a (rather poor) case for their upcoming “innovative” paywall experience. Harvard’s Neiman Journalism Labs even picked it up and wrote a great article breaking down the nitty gritty. Simply put the Winnipeg Free Press plans to charge every single reader $0.27/article (billed monthly). Nobody in North…

  • Newsworthy Turns One

    One year ago this week, the bot started ingesting Canada’s local news. In celebration of the site’s one year anniversary, I added two new features: continuous scroll – you can keep reading the news forever; default edition – you can now set your default city. Out of curiosity pulled some stats from the database.…

  • Google Reader is Dead. to the rescue! is a project I’ve been working on for the past few months. In a nutshell, it’s a better way to get all the latest local news in one place. Sites like Reddit and Google News are a good way to get the “best” or “most important” stories of the day. But they sometimes fail at…

  • Seth Godin Teaches a Good Lesson About Design

    [A guest post by Karam Debly] Through a friend, I learned that Seth Godin put out a call on his blog for developers to apply to build a mobile app. I wrote the following in my application. “I’m writing to tell you that I don’t think your blog, which i love, warrants an app. We…

  • Google Street View as Art

    Google Street View as Art is a crazy collection of what can best be described as interesting/artistic scenes captured by Google’s Streetview. (Yes, Winnipeg’s infamous pickup truck party makes the cut.)