Category: Review

  • Reddit is so Awesome!

    The top story in the programming subreddit for most of yesterday was a self-post abou the sorry state of’s HTML. Take a look for yourself, it’s easily the worst major corporation website I’ve seen in years. The post has garnered 2537 up votes (1134 downvotes) to date; based my previous experience, I suspect this…

  • Pomodoro Techinque, One Day Impression

    The Pomodoro Technique is one of those nebulous life hacks I’ve heard about on the internets in the past but never given much credence to. In 50 words or less: it’s a time-management method wherein you spend 25 minutes intently focused on a single task without distraction, then take a 5 minute break. Every 4…

  • Top 3 Podcasts of 2009

    I love podcasts. In 2009 I probably listened to more hours of podcasts than music. Here are my top 3 podcasts of the year. As with my Top 3 Board Games of 2009 these are not necessarily podcasts that launched in 2009, instead they are podcasts I really got into for the first time in…

  • Top 3 Board Games of 2009

    Thinking back over 2009, I played a fair number of new boardgames. These are my top 3. None of these games were actually published in 2009, but I was introduced to all of them last year. 1. Pandemic Pandemic is the most original and interesting game I’ve played since being introduced to the board game…

  • How To Fix: The Newspaper Industry

    I found this post sitting in my drafts folder from earlier this year. Seeing as I haven’t updated the blog in awhile, I thought I’d finish off some of the sentences and hit the ‘publish’ button. The newspaper industry is facing the perfect storm of declining readership, declining print ad sales, lackluster online ad revenues,…