Category: Design

  • Confirmed: TrueType Font Support on Mobile Safari on iOS 4.2

    Thanks to Matt Wiebe for mentioning the rumour that Mobile Safari on iOS 4.2 supports TrueType fonts and providing a handy link to test: A screenshot from my install of the iOS 4.2 GM seed on an iPhone 3G:

  • Google Chrome, Now More Piratey

    Sometime in the past 24hrs my copy of Google Chrome updated to version 6. Along with a more native UI, it now sports a bold red skull and cross bones when you visit a site with an unverified SSL certificate. How awesome is that?!

  • Novel Design

    I stumbled across this morning via a post on freshome. Notcot describes itself as “…a place to collect and share fascinating images/links.” In theory it’s a digg for images, in practice most of the images are of unique product or website designs. The result is a site that’s much more interesting than what an…

  • oh my sweet domain…

    …how i’ve been neglecting you. First order of business. Everyone’s favorite British Columbian, ms lkvy has been hounding me to create some link banners. So here they are. Spread the love: Actually, that’s all I’ve got for right now.