Apps Review Site News

iPlayPhone: My First iPhone App


I’ve just released my first iPhone app – iPlayPhone – it’s a toy phone for toddlers. I built it for my 1yr old son who’s always running off with my phone. It’s simplictic but super fun. All the buttons play goofy sounds. The onShake sound totally baffles my son, he’s like “woah, i shake it and is makes sounds…weird.”

Here’s the iTunes link:

Apps Tips & How To's

Yahoo Pipes Is Useful

I actually found a use for yahoo pipes!

Problem: I import my blog posts to facebook as Notes via their import settings. I find that a lot of friends and family comment on those posts, these people don’t typically follow me anywhere else and – I can admit it – I’m a comment whore. I apprieciate the feedback. Unfortunately facebook only allows you to import one RSS feed. 

Solution: Create a Yahoo! pipe that includes all my blog feeds and sorts them by pubDate. Import that Yahoo! Pipes feed into facebook. 

Here is a link to my feed (you’ll need a Yahoo! account to view the source)

Apps Google Tips & How To's

Google Chrome Bypasses OpenDNS (and How To Fix It)

I started using OpenDNS again for the first time since Google released Chrome.

When I ran Chrome, I noticed a curious little quirk, Chrome was ignoring OpenDNS’ shortcuts and auto typo correction. I whipped out wireshark and took at what was going on.

By default, every time you enter a character into Chrome’s toolbar it fetches results from Since google knows about every single website, Chrome is able to decide if you’re typing a valid domain without querying DNS. That is, it’s actually redirecting you to a google search results page at the HTTP layer, before your request queries any DNS info.
While it’s not neccessarily a bad way of doing things, it is somewhat annoying. 

Luckily, google actually built a great product!
This feature is totally customizable. 

To turn it off; pull up “options” under the wrench menu, click the “under the hood tab and uncheck “show suggestions for navigation errors.”


The Best iPhone App – Taskbar Notifier

In my opinion, the single greatest omission from the iPhone has got to be the lack of global notifications. Every other phone I’ve owned in the past 6 years has had an icon for thing like new sms and missed calls, visible from every menu. The iPhone does not.

Taskbar Notifier fixes this. It adds configurable notification icons for new email, sms, voicemail and missed calls to the iPhone’s top bar.

This app alone is worth jailbreaking your iPhone for.


CushyCMS Adds Pro Version

CushyCMS, the free content management system, is now launching a Pro version of its service. For $28 per month, CushyCMS will provide branding support, a custom logo, colors and domain settings for web publishers that use its tools.

via mashable

Kinda thought that’s what they where going to do. Still a dumb product, IMHO.