Category: Apps

  • Firesheep: A Valid Reason to Fear WiFi or How To Hack Your Wife’s Facebook

    Just in time for Halloween, a developer by the name of Eric Butler has released Firesheep – a truly terrifying security tool. It’s so simple to use it makes script kiddies look like rocket surgeons. All you have to do is install the Firefox extension, that’s it. With the extension installed at the click of a single…

  • Google Chrome, Now More Piratey

    Sometime in the past 24hrs my copy of Google Chrome updated to version 6. Along with a more native UI, it now sports a bold red skull and cross bones when you visit a site with an unverified SSL certificate. How awesome is that?!

  • Flash On iPhone with Cloud Browse, Sorta

    Double-U Tee Eff, it’s cnettv flash video streaming to my non-jailbroken iPhone, in Firefox? Yup. This is all thanks to the Cloud Browse app. The app details don’t give any information about how this is actually working. As far as I can tell the app makes a VNC-type connection to a virtual machine on Amazon…

  • iPlayPhone is Free!!

    In celebration of one year in the app store iPlayPhone is now free!!! [iTunes Link]

  • Link Love or Holy Crap Sites Keep Linking iPlayPhone

    I want to shout out a couple of the sites that have been promoting iPlayPhone recently. Matt Howie – creator of metafilter –  gave iPlayPhone mention in his roundup of Recommended Kid Games. AssociatedContent – a site I’d never heard of, but one that evidently gets over 24,000,000 visitors per month – ranked iPlayPhone #2…