Novel Design

I stumbled across this morning via a post on freshome. Notcot describes itself as “…a place to collect and share fascinating images/links.” In theory it’s a digg for images, in practice most of the images are of unique product or website designs. The result is a site that’s much more interesting than what an image section on digg would produce.

The first thing that actually struck me about the site this morning was the layout. The site features a 3×16 grid of 250x250px images surrounded by a polaroid picture type square that contains the post’s description, link, voting buttons, etc. Pretty cool, can’t say I’ve ever seen anything quite like it.

PS. They’ve got a similar site for food images, tastespotting.


5 responses to “ Novel Design”

  1. Thanks for the flattering post~ about that 3×16 grid…. try dragging your browser larger… to fit 4 or 5 or 6 across perhaps?
    ; )

  2. Thanks for the flattering post~ about that 3×16 grid…. try dragging your browser larger… to fit 4 or 5 or 6 across perhaps?
    ; )

  3. Hey no prob, I just call ’em as I see ’em.

    Unfortunately windows won’t let me drag my browser window wider than my max screen res, I’ll have to try it on a mac later.

  4. Hey no prob, I just call ’em as I see ’em.

    Unfortunately windows won’t let me drag my browser window wider than my max screen res, I’ll have to try it on a mac later.

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