Category: Review

  •, Please Fix Your Search. your search is not very good! I just did a search for “all cars newer than 2000, between $2500 and $5000 excluding damaged vehicles, in descending order by Kms.” Sounds pretty complex when you write it out in English, but that should be a fairly straight-forward SQL query. Came across a couple of pretty…

  • OpenDNS For A Week

    In case you haven’t heard, OpenDNS (wikipedia) is a free DNS service designed to improve your surfing experience, or as their PR blur puts it: …is a safer, faster, smarter and more reliable way to navigate the Internet. I decided to try it out for a week, replacing my ISP’s default DNS servers. All-in-all I…

  • Novel Design

    I stumbled across this morning via a post on freshome. Notcot describes itself as “…a place to collect and share fascinating images/links.” In theory it’s a digg for images, in practice most of the images are of unique product or website designs. The result is a site that’s much more interesting than what an…

  • Is Reddit better than Digg?

    This week has been a bit of a revival in terms of my computer usage, I’ve found a great photoshop alternative and now I think I may have found a Digg replacement. A few weeks ago my good buddy notian mentioned that he had started reading the social news site reddit, I’d heard of the…


    I thought I would force myself to use a photoshop alternative this week, I’ve tried The GIMP and GIMPShop in the past, and found them to both be impossible to use. I decided to give a try, and I’ve really been digging it. I don’t do a lot of hardcore design work and…