Category: Culture
Is shadow work ruining the job market?
A recent episode of the Every Little Thing podcast discusses the rise of self-checkout machines. It’s a fascinating tale, one that I would have never guessed started over 100 years ago with the opening of the Piggly Wiggly chain. Self-checkout is a commonly used example of the impending threat of automation. I know I personally…
Reconsidering Net Neutrality
When Net Neutrality concerns started to rise up 5 – 10 years ago, it seemed like an open and shut case. Obviously we want the net to remain neutral, but at what cost? The Internet is humanity’s most powerful instrument of free speech and commerce, legislation that has power over the content of internet traffic…
Good Morning 2002
Why not spend your morning engrossed in the sounds of a giant PC tower next to your head, like it’s 2002: Thanks hacker noon.
Mr. Shodan
Mr. Robot season 3 is off to a great start. As per usual, the episode features tonnes of Easter eggs for hacker nerds. But I have to admit I was a little surprised to see a cameo. Shodan is a search engine for things connected to the web that isn’t a web server. Web…
Google Wave, The Quirky Future of Email
With the constant forward motion of tech, little time is spent on the past. A brief few years in the mid-00s – after the dot-com bubble and before the big winners of social were sorted out – spawned tonnes of interesting products and services, aka “web 2.0.” Google Wave is one of those products that…