Category: Apps
Pokémon No
Update: A thread in r/pokemongo addresses most of the game playability gripes i express below. Very useful if you’re new to the game. Check it out. Much hyped Pokémon Go finally launched in Canada over the weekend (while I was out camping). I downloaded it ASAP, after some expected server issues setting up my account, I…
Hei Opera!
Opera was the first web browser I truly loved. In the early days of the modern web, when we had 4 or 5 real legit competitors in the browser space, Opera was truly innovative. In the year 2000 it was the first browser to support tabbed browsing (2 years before Mozilla, 3 years before Safari…
Peach Came From a Can
Social app Peach hit the interwebs over the weekend, harder than a late 1990s grunge-esque anthem skipping on a discman playing through a cassette tape adapter. You could write off peach as another social networking app for tech groupies. But you’d be missing a very unique feature. Chatbots. (Sorta. They’re almost more like command-line keywords.)…
TeeVee for WP: building Apple TV apps with WordPress Plugins
Imagine you create tonnes of great video content every day and publish it all through WordPress. Your viewer can watch your amazing shows everywhere…on iPhones, iPads, iMacs, but not their TVs. Wouldn’t it be great to have a branded Apple TV app so that all your viewers could watch your content in full screen glory? Well…
48 hours with Apple Music
I’ve been a subscriber to rdio for a couple of years, streaming music isn’t anything new to me. So I was very interested to check out Apple’s implementation. Here’s my take after using it for the last couple of days. The Good Playlists: The curated playlists are feature I didn’t expect to use much, but I’ve spent…