Tag: javascript

  • Cycling, Javascript and Saving the Planet

    A few weeks ago I bought a basic road bike with the intention of cycling to work. And I’m totally hooked! Addicted maybe? I think I finally get it. My primary reason for biking to work is to level up the amount of exercise I get in every week, but I’m aware that leaving the…

  • The Problem with NPM

    Whenever you run `npm install` it generates a local, project specific /node_modules/ directory with literally 10s of thousands of files and folders. Why?! WHY?! I understand that javascript is a simple scripting language, missing many features that are baked in to more traditional languages like PHP and friends. I understand that many node modules are…

  • How To: File Upload Progress Bar. No Flash. No PHP addons.

    Upload progressbars are pretty common on the web these days, they add a touch of feedback to the long and mysterious process of uploading a file to a website. Unfortunately, the most common methods for doing so involve flash or baring that PHP addons that require a recompiling. In this post I’m going to talk about…

  • WhyFireFoxIsBlocked is wrong! Adblock Plus is 100% Detectable!

    whyfirefoxisblocked.com does not know what they’re talking about. Ad Block Plus is 100% lame and 100% detectable. The following code detects ad block plus: index.html: <script language=”javascript”> var disabled = false; </script> <script src=”something.js?thisistotrickyou=http://a.as-us.falkag.net/… dat/njf/41/domain.com/ros_pop_tag.js”></script> <script language=”javascript”> if(!disabled){ // DO SOMETHING HERE, like a redirect alert(“You Are Using Ad Block Plus or some other blocking…