Tag: Canadian Tech Roundup

  • Canadian Tech Roundup 13: Thanks for the love iTunes

    [podcast]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/480185/podcasts/CTR13.mp3[/podcast] YouTube says it’s in talks to stream NHL, NBA games, NHL says it isn’t Why die-hard sports fans are pulling the plug on cable Netflix’s Submission to CRTC UBB hearing Maclean’s recites Rogers speaking points as an editoriial Government plays down scope of cyber attack Wind Mobile appeals court ruling iTunes Link RSS

  • Canadian Tech Roundup – Episode 10 – Rogers, Rogers and more

    CRTC Says Rogers Not Complying With Net Neutrality Disclosure Requirements Rogers increasing txt msging from 15 to 20 cents Rogers’ Scare Tactics and “Unsafe Public Wifi” Best technologies you can’t get in Canada Who’s going to stand up for consumer rights when it comes to cell phone companies: A cell phone company? Extra billing for…

  • Canadian Tech Roundup – Episode 9 – Netflix, CRTC, Shaw

    [podcast]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/480185/podcasts/CTR9.mp3[/podcast] The Netflix Effect: Results From A Revealing Study in Canada The federal government is appealing a court’s ruling that ordered it to make its websites accessible to visually impaired users Microsoft Surface 2.0 Coming to RBC Bell announces a new iptv service Shaw’s wireless launch is delayed Another wifi in schools story like we…

  • Canadian Tech Roundup – Episode 8 – Google, Shaw, Amazon, CRTC

    [podcast]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/480185/podcasts/CTREP8b.mp3[/podcast] Listen to this week’s episode. Show notes coming soon… iTunes Link RSS

  • Canadian Tech Roundup – Episode 6 – Shaw, CES, Do Not Call List

    [podcast]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/480185/podcasts/CanadianTechRoundup-EP6.mp3[/podcast] Shaw introduces bandwidth overages and 25% reduction in bandwidth caps CES and Canada CRTC Fines Xentel and Bell for calling number on Do Not Call List City of Vancouver Calls out CRTC on behalf of residents New wireless startups capturing 1/3rd of new customers Top 10 Facebook trends in Canada 2010 Google Zietgiest Canada…